
Just some time between noon and about 8pm today, you may have noticed that it was difficult, if not impossible, to enter my website. The problem was eventually traced back to a memory allocation error with the server. Apparently this was caused by a ‘server migration’, which the service provider informed me about some 2 …

Burning & Building Bridges

Recently, while checking for updates in Facebook, I came across an interesting posting by a good old friend of mine. It is as shown below: ______________________________________________________________________________________ In Pursuit of Happiness Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 10:26pm Don’t let someone become a priority in your life, When you are just an option in their life … …

Of Slums and Poems.

Of Slums and Poems The Sunday Post 26, October 2008 (with permission of the author)  By Dunstan Chan “Maybe the thing that makes Kuching lovable is not that tangible. It is the relaxed ambience and quiet charm of a contented city where people of different races and religions live harmoniously together. Such a nebulous attribute …

Origins of Negaraku?

The Malaysian National Anthem, ‘Negaraku’, was believed to have been adapted from a local Malaysian song called ‘Terang Bulan’. However, some schools of thought have suggested that the national anthem’s melody was actually borrowed from an old Hawaian song, ‘Mamula Moon’. To play the song, click the play button below. [youtube]   So what …

One Mean Renaissance Man

The following article was taken from: I had recently been reading a thing or two about ‘Machiavellianism’ (oh wow, I think I spelled it correctly this time), but this article which I found on is the best I’ve read on this topic so far. For those who are not familiar with the term, …

Working 24-7

I used to wonder, and I am still wondering even today, how long can you keep a computer running without switching it off. It’s not difficult to imagine how much we use computers today, with the advent of the internet as the ‘in’ thing. Computer addiction is a real problem these days, with kids spending …