Robot master ruling over sad humans

Is A.I. the Death Knell of Photography?

Does A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) really spell the end for us photographers? I do concur somewhat with Roman Fox who wrote an article back in 2023, explaining in some terms that nothing can quite beat the “realness” of photography – holding a real camera, being out there and interacting with real people. In my view, there is no …

My View on Mobile Photography in 2023

It is difficult not to overstate the impact that mobile devices have on photography in general. Gone are the days when the casual tourist would whip out a compact camera for the usual holiday snaps. It its place, our phones have become the “de facto” camera for just about anything on the go, and conventional …

Backing-up with Rsync and Robocopy

Disclaimer: With great power comes great responsibility –improper use of rsync and robocopy may result in irreversible data-loss. If working on your OS X terminal or Windows command prompt takes you too far out of your comfort zone, then you may be better off with a tried and tested off-the-shelf solution. Face it – there …


Just some time between noon and about 8pm today, you may have noticed that it was difficult, if not impossible, to enter my website. The problem was eventually traced back to a memory allocation error with the server. Apparently this was caused by a ‘server migration’, which the service provider informed me about some 2 …

Flickr for iOS

Marissa Mayer has made good her word on turning Yahoo! into a more mobile-centric company. After much speculation, the company has finally released the much-awaited (and long expected) mobile app for Flickr. Better late than never, right? What seems to be a case of ‘too little too late’ is compounded by the fact that Flickr …

A Mood for Instagram

It’s been a while since I had posted something here. Sorry about that, but work was literally keeping me at the office for longer hours for the past weeks. I did manage to take some Instagram shots during the quick visit to the mall on Friday. Here they are.

AirAsia App

It goes without saying that if you are not paying serious to the mobile market, you are asking to be left in the dust trail, especially with the volatile nature of the mobile market landscape. AirAsia recently released a more polished version if their app and I must say that it is absolutely gorgeous. Compared …

Juicing to Perfection

Smartphones nowadays have become incredible juice-sucking devices. Manufacturers are squeezing more and more features into phones to the point where conventional lithium ion battery technology is struggling to keep up. I managed to get hold of one of these ‘power banks’ which are really just big batteries that hold a lot of charge and can …