The heat is upon us – and it’s unforgiving as much as it is relentless.
Some schools in the region had even been forced to close, given the dangerously high temperatures that have engulfed some metropolitan areas in the Southeast Asian region.

Describing the weather as unbearably hot would be an understatement. No sooner had I stepped out of the house, I would be sweating like a pig. It certainly doesn’t help as well that Singapore is especially humid this time of year.
I would imagine that at some point in the future, it could get so impossibly hot that it won’t be possible to step outdoors without some kind of protective clothing. Not in my lifetime I hope.

Needless to say, the past couple of months were unproductive as stepping out of the house with my camera was out of the question given the crazy high outdoor temperatures.
But as I soon found out, even indoors, there were photo opportunities as well. Apparently, the cat figured out that the smart thing to do was to laze about in the wash basin.